
Nelson Lopez


Born in Uruguay, Nelson starts his studies of music at an early age, discovering his passion for dance. In 2004 he was accepted by the Escuela Nacional de Danza del SODRE (Uruguay National Ballet School), institution from which he graduates, complementing his education in Buenos Aires, and joining the young company “Joven Ballet de Uruguay” as his first professional experience.

In 2009 Nelson joins the Corps de Ballet SODRE being the second best rating of his generation.

During 2010 he moves to Argentina to join Iñaki Urlezaga’s Ballet Concierto performing all around the country and in important cities as Madrid, New York, Mexico DF, Shanghai etc. through the classic and contemporary repertoire. In 2011 he returns to Uruguay to be part of the renewed BNS Ballet Nacional del Sodre under Julio Bocca’s leading, and afterwards under Igor Yebra’s direction. With this company he has been in pieces of Balanchine, Jhon Cranko, Jirí Kylian, Natalia Makarova, Nacho Duato, Boris Eiffman, Ronald Hynd, Mauricio Wainrot, Kenneth MacMillan, among others, as Corps de Ballet, Soloist and Principal.

In 2019 he ventures into scenography design, and realization and costume design for the independent dance company Telón Arriba named Resident Company of Solis Theatre.

In 2020 joins the Ballet at Rhein in Düsseldorf-Germany under Demis Volpi’s direction.