
Stefania Ballone


Ballone graduates at “Scuola di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala”, from 2000 is part of the theatre’s corps de ballet, were she participates at all the season’s productions, also interpreting solo roles. In the same year, Ballone also participates at the Miami International Dance Festival and receive the Dance Prize in Siracusa (Italy); the following year she wins the Perugia International Dance Contest.

She participates at the Positano Prize (2006) and at the Venice Biennale Dance Festival in 2007, as a dancer and assistant of the coreographer Francesco Ventriglia. In 2011 Ballone graduates in Modern Literatures at Università degli Studi di Milano, receiving the same year the Volterra Dance Prize, also debuting with her first choreography Per una volta at Parma Royal Theatre.

In 2014 she graduates with a Master in Sciences of Theatre and Performing Arts at Università degli Studi di Milano, with a thesis on Ballet at the Teatro alla Scala in the Nineties. Ballone participates at the Danza & Danza Prize 2015 as choreographer and interpreter of the pas de deux Thunders and Lightnings. In the same year, she participates as a choreographer at the Gala des Étoiles at the Teatro alla Scala and starts a collaboration with the online dance magazine dreamtimemagazine publishing reviews and interviews.

In 2016 Ballone receives the Europaindanza Prize for the interpretation of the step-mother role in Mauro Bigonzetti’s Cinderella. The same year, she curates the direction and choreography for the show treD:Design,Danza,Disability, with the mixabilityDreamtime company, for the Design Triennale, which goes on stage the 23/24/25 may at CRT Teatro dell’Arte di Milano. 

The same year she is invited as choreographer at the 30st edition of Milanoltre Festival, the 2 of October, where she debuts with the show Alter, where she is interpreting together with the étoile Massimu Murru. She participates as dancer at the exhibition Foreign Bodies by Yuval Avital, at the Fondazione Fabbrica del Cioccolato in Valle di Blenio, Switzerland, which opens the 22nd of April, 2017, subsequently resumed and expanded at Dresden Biennale in 2019.

In 2017 Ballone creates the choreography La Valse for the Teatro alla Scala’s corps the ballet. The same year, her show Alter, interpreted with Massimo Murru, goes on stage at AterBalletto. In 2018, Ballone is selected for the Choreography Contest’s final in Sens with her pas de deux Thunders and Lightnings. While dancing at the Teatro Alla Scala, she is constantly involved in choreographic projects for theatre for several and different movement expressions.

In 2019 she starts an artistic collaboration with the pianist Francesco Libetta in the framework of different concerts, with music expressively composed by contemporary composers for piano and dance, of which she curates the choreographies: in Naples at Maschio Angioino for Piano City, at Gerolamo Theatre for Piano City, in bar for the Camerata Musicale, in Taranto for Amici della Musica, in Martina Franca for the Valle D’Itria Festival and in Livorno at the Goldonetta.

In September she performs at Macro Museum in Rome, as part of the exhibition Nothing to sell, with her choreography Somapolis, from an idea of the writer Caterina Serra.

In November she receives the Mads Price for Dance in Salerno.

In January 2020, Ballone dances at Alterballetto, in the show Shortcut by Emanuela Tagliavia. From February 2020 she curates the artistic show at L’Aia di San Giorgio in Vignacastrisi (Lecce) Prima che si fa notte pianoforte e danza per resistere al buio, which includes some concerts with a Neapolitan piano from 1800, and encounters of music and dance.