
Nicola D’Ambrosio


Nicola D’Ambrosio was born in Turin in 1980. From adolescence onwards gives ample space to creative and artistic expression through drawing, painting, music, singing and theater. Since 2007, he has participated in groups and seminars of human growth and emotional transformation at the Olos Association of Collegno (TO). Since 2008, he has practiced himself and third-rate Reiki treatments.

Since 2011 he has been registered as a Holistic Operator at the national association of category SIAF ITALIA. From October 2012 to March 2014 he attends the Trentino Center of Music Therapy in Trento to form on the use of voice in voice/sound communication in music therapy.

Since July 2017 he has been registered as a Dharma Clearing Holistic Counselor at the national association of category SIAF ITALIA. He has participated in Voicing Seminars, Family/Spiritual Constellations and Active Meditations; community theater workshops, choral singing and overall. He is assisting in personal growth seminars and conducts voice/sound exploration groups.

He is a songwriter and collaborates in several vocal/sound improvisation projects.