
Anna Maria Civico


Actress, singer, music therapist, indipendent researcher, author, living between Viterbo, Terni and Catanzaro.

She trained as actress and singer under the guidance of masters as Jmanes Slowiak, JairoCuesta, Abani Biswas, and Maud Robart and she collected study experiences in France and India. Her works are focused on the research on the traditional practices of oral singing, on Shakers songs, caraibic sounds, Italian and Calabrian traditional oral songs and musical improvisation.

Her works on the field are works of an independent researcher, an artist and a human being and they’re combined together with the study of ethnomusicology texts and sound archive. She collaborates as music therapist and as artist with different cultural and social associations as Cantiere d’Arti, Terni Donne, Centro Arti Opificio Siri.

She Graduated at  Scuola Quadriennale di Musicoterapia at Cep in Assisi and she’s been working as music therapist and trainer since 2009, in collaboration with Agenzie formative ARIS in Terni and CIPSS in Narni and with Associazione Alzheimer Orvieto.

As activist she is co-founder of Casa delle Donne in Terni where she directs the chorus “Voci insieme” and the workshop Voce specifica.

As author she published Contributo alle Teorie della performance, 2011; La violenza sulle donne. Riconoscerla, contrastarla e prevenirla, 2012; Un sentimento di benessere collettivo. Il corpo-voce in musicoterapia. Prevenzione e promozione del benessere e della salute nell’esperienza delle donne, 2015; ARMATURA, 2019.

She works on several international artistic collaborations like Parco Sonoro dei Due Mari, CZ ; festival Story Telling in La Valletta, Malta; Ange! Qui si je cries Tempo Cantabile dance company directed by Ghislaine Avan, Paris and ESPAL LeMans ; improvisation music with Seijiro Murayama, Pascal Battus, Thierry Madiot, Etienne Caire, FrederickNogray, Paris, Santa Severina, Capodimonte, UD.

She took part to several projects: The Archive of(un-)familiar Things e In Situ di Martin Chaput & Martial Chazallon Terni Festival. Paleariza Festival di Wolrd Musicnella Calabria Greca. Umbria in Voce, Gubbio. Macro Asilo Roma.

She collaborates with icontestpiù, interested in the traditional oral music of the calabrian farmers and she’s the director, actress and singer of the work “Le Straniere”.


<< Suddenly we were pushed aside. Among those who are not indispensable. My voice had receded. It was silent and so I felt better the pain around, advancing in waves. Nature, meanwhile, was healing some wounds. My voice had moved aside. My first sign, in quarantine, was graphic. I graffitied on the wall. Some were inspired by mytharchaeology. Drawing helped me to put myself in order. Then when Yuval Avital called me, I listened to his story, his idea, like when you welcome a guest from far away. You listen to what he has to say and, if his intentions are good, you offer him what you can. You don’t know where he comes from, yet he sings. A song is always a call. I waited for its resonance in me and created the answer that could be close to that progess, to that organicity. A voice in transparency, close to another in transparency, which follows the rule of breath and the next breath. I spread the texture of my voice letting the tears appear. In a moment it became more compact and horizontal in the form of the peasant song.>>