We’re happy to announce that Human Signs has opened its Living Digital Archive: a huge website hosting the immense participatory artwork, through many sections:

– About: where you will find all the information regarding the art project, its mission and vision and the international team who passionately works on it.

Artworks: functioning as a living archive, the portal hosts the various manifestation of the art testimonies created during lockdown by the Human Signs artist, united through the different audio-visual artworks, Ensembles, and Constellations.

– Human Signs Artists: in the website, every artist has their own page that narrate the artist’s story, their relation with Human Signs  and their dialogue with the Human Signs Mantra.
In the future, video-interview conducted by graduate students of the department of Anthropology of Milano Bicocca University will be posted, investigating the roots of the participants’ art and their relation with the participative artwork and lockdown.

Get ready to navigate HUMAN SIGNS website, a living archive in continue expansion.

The HUMAN SIGNS WEBSITE has been created in partnership with YALP and LEFTLOFT, which respectively curated the framework and the design.