Human Signs ‘invades’ Marseille

We are thrilled to share with you some wonderful images of what has been going on in Marseille, in the occasion of Manifesta 13’.

Human Signs is participating in the exhibition Real Utopias curated by Bianca Cerrina Feroni and Melania Rossi, with A Door To Human Signs, as part of Manifesta 13′.

Contradicting the physical nature of the exhibition, Human Signs reveals its Living Digital Archive through a series of QR codes.

Since the opening of A Door To Human Signs in Real Utopias on September 25th, the QR codes have been spreading throughout the city, directing people into the different parts of the Human Signs Living Digital Archive.

The QR codes become the physical presence of the website-as-a-museum invading the city as small portals into the Human Signs universe. From the venues of  Manifesta 13’ towards the city, the stickers are a virtual path into this global online project.

We thank Bianca Cerrina Feroni, Melania Rossi and Real Utopias team for their amazing work.

Stay tuned for more, as Human Signs keeps proliferating around the globe.