Video & Photography

Niki Deganit Artman


Deganit-Niki is a Fine Art Photographer focusing mainly on Dance Photography and Visual Branding Photography. 

Ms. Artman portfolio include 30 years of dance training, Dance Concert Productions, Educational TV Show Productions, Creative Writing and Multimedia Production both in the USA and Israel.

In the last few years Niki tunnels most of her passion and time to explore the field of Dance Photography through her artistic eyes and creating Visual Language Productions for Independent women. 

In Niki’s photography movement & art are inseparable. Her camera is a tool to express her artistic point of view.  Her Dance Photography bring out her familiarity with the technique and the tremendous creation of dance and allows the viewer to take part in the experience of dance through an expert eye.  Through the years, Ms. Artman’s work has featured in several Publications and Exhibitions in galleries and museum in Israel and around the world.

Deganit-Niki Artman has a BA in Dance & Concert Production at CSU LONG BEACH, USA, and MBA for Executives, from Derby University UK.