Valentina Viviani

She is an Argentinian artist, currently living in Milan where she studies the MA in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies at NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan.
Born in Córdoba, she graduated from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) where she obtained a Degree in Sculpture. During those years, she participated as assistant in the Chairs of Plastic and Geometric Language I (2014-2016), Scultpure IV (2017), and Sculture I (2018).
She has participated in many writing programs, as part of public cultural programs ESTAR, and a Curatorial Course by Andrea Ruiz and Carina Cagnolo in which she developed her interest in research, exploring language and writing as a central focus of her artistic practice.
As an artist, she has participated in different exhibitions such as, the online exhibition 2020 A Lexicon. Use in case of Future, with “MOVEMENT, becoming ground” (2020); in Ninna Nanna dell’Apocalisse performance by Clarissa Falco, creating the music together with Valentina Avanzzini and Ivna LaMart, in X Contemporary (2020). She presented I Biglietti an intervention in the APERITIVO ANTROPOLOGICO during the World Anthropology Day 2020, with the support of Comune di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milano- Bicocca; and Take a Seat, can a bench display contemporary art? with the performance The cycle of an Idea in Milan (2019).
In Argentina she participated “X5022ADB” Group exhibition for the Poets Cycle of the España Córdoba Cultural Center within the International Poetry Festival, Córdoba (2016).
Some of her individual exhibitions are Lo material no sujeta nada (The material doesn’t hold anything) residence and show in La Sala Que Habito in the historic town hall of Córdoba. (2018), and Atlas, fragmentos para la producción del Paisaje (Atlas, fragments for the production of landscape) solo show and final project for the Degree in Sculpture in La Casona Municipal. Córdoba.
At the moment she is developing her MA Thesis, a reaserch-through-practice project that focuses on public spaces, approaching them as ecosystems, and interveining them through the method of conversation; a process of research deeply rooted in ecology, pots-human and feminist theories.
From September 2020 to January 2021, she has been part of Human Signs project as Coordinator.